Disaster Extreme and Environmental Remote Sensing

Book Chapters
1)Shukla, D. P. (2020). . Pooja Devi, Pardeep Singh, Sushil Kumar Kansal, Inorganic Pollutants in Water(273-295)
2)Shukla, D. P., & Gupta, S. K. (2016). . Maged Marghany, Environmental Applications of Remote Sensing(281-308)
3)Shukla, D. P. (2019). . Pooja, D., Kumar, P., Singh, P., Patil, S., Sensors in Water Pollutants Monitoring: Role of Material(277–297)
4)Gupta, S. K., & Shukla, D. P. (2017). . Dericks P. Shukla, Hydro-Geomorphology.
5)Shukla, D. P. (2022). . Arun Lal Srivastav, Sughosh Madhav, Abhishek Kumar Bhardwaj, Eugenia Valsami-Jones, Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research(299-317)
6)Gupta, S. K., & Shukla, D. P. (2020). . Guzzetti, F., Mihalić Arbanas, S., Reichenbach, P., Sassa, K., Bobrowsky, P.T., Takara, K., Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk.