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Disaster Extreme and Environmental Remote Sensing


Our Story

The Disaster Extremes and Environmental Remote Sensing (DExtER Lab) at IIT Mandi. Key areas of research include Remote sensing & GIS, Natural Hazards, Landslides, specially pertaining to Himalayan region. DExtER team is currently working on permafrost mapping, permafrost degradation, landslide susceptibility mapping, forest fires, vegetation studies and environment related problems of the Himalayan region that could be analysed with Remote Sensing. Many of these problems are related to climate change and global warming, so how can we use remote sensing to assess the susceptibility, risk and vulnerability of these issues are the main focus of his research group. We do lots of field works in the rugged terrain of the Himalayas and have mapped those probable permafrost areas, landslide susceptible areas using Machine learning algorithms and in near future they want to calibrate these models with the field data. We shall also be studying the effect of climate change on permafrost degradation, enhanced occurences of landslides and slope instability problems in future, so we are also looking at the potential areas where such events may happen. In that way we could be better prepared to handle and cope up with these issues.


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Recent papers from our group

1.  Machine learning based high-resolution air temperature modelling from landsat-8, MODIS, and In-Situ measurements with                  ERA-5 inter-comparison in the data sparse regions of Himachal Pradesh(details)

2.  Ensembled transfer learning approach for error reduction in landslide susceptibility mapping of the data scare region(details)

3. Improving ML-based landslide susceptibility using ensemble method for sample selection: a case study of Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh, India (details)

4. Comprehensive assessment of rock glaciers in the Himachal Himalayas: Updated inventory and labelling (details)

5. Rock glaciers as proxy for machine learning based debris-covered glacier mapping of Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh (details)

6. Assessing Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Rock Glacier-Based Permafrost Distribution in Northern Kargil Region(details)

7. Spatio-temporal evolution of groundwater quality and its health risk assessment in Punjab (India) during 2000–2020 (details)

Copyright © (2023-2024) DEXTER Laboratory | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

Copyright © (2023-2024) Dexter Laboratory | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

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